The first Canadian to legally consume psilocybin for medical purposes shares his experience

On the night that Thomas Hartle became the first Canadian to legally consume psilocybin for medical purposes, Dr. Bruce Tobin, a psychotherapist and professor at the University of Victoria, shared a cab with filmmaker Randall “Peg” Peters.

The two men, along with John Simpson, a hospice companion and sitter, had spent the day with Hartle as he went through his first therapeutic dosing experience in the guest bedroom of his Saskatoon home. 

Peters wasn’t sure if what had transpired over the previous six hours was a success. In the cab, he expressed his concerns to Dr. Tobin that perhaps Hartle hadn’t benefited in any significant way, but the doctor reassured him. “It’s like good tea,” he said. “You just need to let it steep.”

That night, back at the Hartle household, Hartle enjoyed the best sleep he’s had since receiving his terminal cancer diagnosis four years ago. In the week that has passed since that dose, Hartle hasn’t had a single anxiety attack, he said, a personal record.

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